Pest World 2023 – Honolulu

    Keep the dates – PestWorld 2023 – 17-20 October 2023

    All international pest professionals are invited to PestWorld 2023. This is to be held between 17-20 October 2023 at the Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

    Held each year, and organised by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) in the USA, PestWorld is the largest and most international gathering in the pest controller’s calendar. It provides an ideal opportunity to experience the scale of the industry on a global basis, to meet pest professionals from around the world, establish new contacts and network with industry colleagues.
    PestWorld 2023 details, which will be updated regularly, covering registration, the programme, exhibition, hotel accommodation and travel arrangements can be found on the PestWorld 2023 website at
    At last year’s PestWorld, held in Boston, Massachusetts, the exhibition was a complete sell-out with international visitors attending from over 56 countries.
    A video, shot at PestWorld 2022, illustrating what delegates can expect at this event can be viewed on the PestWorld 2023 website.
    Although selling fast, reservations for an exhibition booth can also be made via the PestWorld 2023 website.

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